Brett Curry (Smart Marketer) – Smart Google Traffic

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Bretty Curry (Smart Marketer) – Smart Google Traffic

Bretty Curry Smart Marketer – Smart Google Traffic



Discover the power of Smart Google Traffic with Bretty Curry’s comprehensive course. Here’s what you’ll gain from this program:

Session 1: Setting Up Shop & Building Your Ad Accounts

  • Explore “Why Google Ads?” and learn to build the proper framework.
  • Master Shopping Funnels and fuel your strategies with data and insights.
  • Set up Google Analytics, enable Remarketing Lists, and understand attribution.
  • Create Remarketing Lists, set goals, and connect AdWords with Google Analytics.
  • Configure Google Merchant Center and set up your YouTube channel.

Session 2: The Google Display Network: Art, Science & Structure

  • Dive into Display Remarketing Setup and the Abandoned Cart Remarketing Sequence.
  • Discover the top 4 Remarketing Campaigns you need and bidding strategies.
  • Learn the art and science of creating killer Display Ads.
  • Get hands-on experience with campaign creation and Responsive Ads.
  • Measure success on the Google Display Network.

Session 3: Brand Search With Google Ads

  • Explore the importance of Branded Search Campaigns.
  • Set up Google Ads Account and Campaign Structure.
  • Master keyword research and match types.
  • Create outstanding Search Ads and campaign structures.
  • Understand audience targeting for optimal results.

Session 4: Google Shopping Campaigns

  • Gain a comprehensive overview of Google Shopping.
  • Explore essential Product Feed Tips.
  • Dive deeper into Google Merchant Center and Feed Diagnostics.
  • Learn to create Google Shopping Campaigns and RLSA Campaigns.
  • Measure success effectively within Google Shopping.

Session 5: YouTube Remarketing Ads

  • Get introduced to YouTube AdvertisiNg.
  • Explore YouTube TrueView Ads and create compelling video ads.
  • Identify top YouTube audiences for your campaigns.
  • Learn how to create and measure success with YouTube Remarketing Campaigns.

Session 6: Foundation & Structure For Success

  • Understand TrueView Ads and their impact.
  • Explore conversion paths and shopping funnels.
  • Learn about attribution models and cross-channel issues.
  • Set up your Google Ads Account with precision.
  • Utilize Google Ads Custom Columns and build Video Viewer Lists.

Session 7: Crafting The Perfect YouTube Ads

  • Discover 7 tips for creating killer YouTube Ads.
  • Dive into the “What, Who, How” of YouTube advertising.
  • Master the Testimonial Sandwich, Story Principles, and The Pitchman Demo.
  • Learn how to optimize your ads for maximum conversions.
  • Access 7 valuable resources for your YouTube advertising journey.

Session 8: Audience Targeting

  • Explore various audience targeting options, including In-Market Audiences, Custom Intent Audiences, Affinity Audiences, and more.
  • Understand the power of keyword targeting and placements.
  • Learn the difference between “And” Targeting vs. “Or” Targeting for optimal results.

Session 9: Bids & Budgets

  • Dive into In-Market Campaigns and create your first ad.
  • Explore Custom Intent Campaigns and Affinity Campaigns.
  • Understand how to manage bids and budgets effectively.

Session 10: Campaign Management & Optimization

  • Clarify your understanding of Custom Intent Campaigns.
  • Explore Keyword Campaigns and Placement Campaigns.
  • Implement frequency caps and learn how the bidder works.
  • Master the basics of campaign optimization and key metrics.
  • Discover the keys to growth through new videos and audiences.

Session 11: Completing Your YouTube Funnel

  • Learn to create Video Viewer Audiences and campaigns.
  • Explore Remarketing Campaigns, including Trueview for Shopping.
  • Target video viewers in search and shopping to encourage repeat purchases.

Join Bretty Curry’s Smart Google Traffic course today and unlock the secrets to successful Google Ads campaigns. Elevate your marketing game and achieve exceptional results. 

Enroll now and take charge of your digital advertising journey!