Kayla Sloan – $10K VA

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $24.00.

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Kayla Sloan – $10K VA

Kayla Sloan – $10K VA


Kayla Sloan’s $10K VA course is a meticulously designed program to empower aspiring Virtual Assistants (VAs) with the necessary tools and knowledge to thrive in the competitive virtual assistance industry. This comprehensive course is structured into seven well-organized modules, each focusing on key aspects of building and scaling a successful VA business.

Course Overview:

The $10K VA course is crafted to guide participants from understanding the VA role to mastering advanced strategies for business growth. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience in virtual assistance, this course offers valuable insights and actionable strategies to help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals.

Course Content:

Module 1: What is a Virtual Assistant?

    • Introduction to the VA profession, understanding its origins and evolution.
    • Explore a VA’s various services, allowing for a customizable business model.
    • Discuss seven essential skills for VA success and the benefits of being a VA.

Module 2: How to Find and Pitch VA Jobs

    • Identifying different sources for VA job opportunities.
    • Strategies to land your first client and perfect the art of pitching.
    • Utilizing referrals effectively to expand your client base.

Module 3: Pricing Services and Getting Paid

    • Guidance on determining the right pricing strategy for beginner VAs.
    • Instructions on calculating an accurate hourly rate and evolving your pricing over time.
    • Understanding invoicing and essential information on using PayPal.

Module 4: Building Client Relationships the Right Way

    • Learning the six must-haves for a solid VA contract.
    • Mastering client onboarding processes and setting professional boundaries.
    • Techniques to handle client objections and gracefully conclude client relationships.

Module 5: Running the Day-to-Day as a $10K VA®

    • Creating a workable schedule to optimize productivity and work-life balance.
    • Effective methods to manage multiple client responsibilities simultaneously.

Module 6: Making Your Business Legit

    • Developing a compelling portfolio and marketing strategies for your VA business.
    • Insights into business planning, tax considerations, and salary management.
    • Establishing a professional presence and defending your workday.

Module 7: Up-Level your VA Business

    • Strategies for increasing your earnings and transitioning from a solo operation to a scalable business.
    • Implement systems for efficiency and consider outsourcing or creating a VA agency.
    • Adopting the $10K VA® mindset to propel your business to new heights.

Transformative Learning Experience:

The $10K VA course offers a transformative learning experience, equipping students with the knowledge and confidence to embark on a successful VA career. Kayla Sloan’s expert guidance and practical insights ensure that students are well-prepared to navigate the VA industry effectively.

Embark on Your VA Journey:

Enroll in Kayla Sloan’s $10K VA course today to kickstart or enhance your career as a Virtual Assistant. This course promises to educate and transform your approach to virtual assistance, equipping you with the tools, strategies, and mindset needed to achieve success and financial independence in the dynamic world of VA.

Join the $10K VA course now and take the first step toward building a thriving and lucrative VA business. With Kayla Sloan’s guidance and the comprehensive curriculum, you’re set to embark on a rewarding journey toward becoming a successful VA.