Nate Hurst – High Ticket Kingdom

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Nate Hurst – High Ticket Kingdom




Discover the secrets of high-ticket dropshipping with Nate Hurst – High Ticket Kingdom, a comprehensive and immersive course designed for ambitious individuals eager to dive into the lucrative world of high-ticket dropshipping. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what each module entails:

Module 1: Getting Started

  • Objective: Introduction to the course, structure, and the essential tools and resources.
  • Key Focus: Setting the foundation for a comprehensive learning experience in high-ticket dropshipping.

Module 2: Mindset

  • Objective: Developing the right mindset is crucial for success.
  • Key Focus: Goal setting, focus enhancement, and preparing for entrepreneurial challenges.

Module 3: Introduction to High Ticket

  • Objective: Understanding the basics of high-ticket dropshipping.
  • Key Focus: Identifying profitable high-ticket products and understanding their market dynamics.

Module 4: Setting Up Your Business

  • Objective: Guidance on the administrative setup of your online business.
  • Key Focus: Acquiring necessary permits and tax IDs and understanding legal requirements.

Module 5: Supplier Research

  • Objective: Identifying and establishing relationships with suppliers.
  • Key Focus: Strategies to find and approach ideal suppliers for long-term success.

Module 6: Setting Up Your Shopify Store

  • Objective: Creating a high-converting Shopify store.
  • Key Focus: Backend setup, theme selection, and payment gateway integration.

Module 7: Supplier Outreach

  • Objective: Effective communication with suppliers.
  • Key Focus: Customizing emails, professional communication, and handling inquiries.

Module 8: Utilizing Credit

  • Objective: Understanding the basics of using credit in business.
  • Key Focus: Choosing the right credit cards for advertising spend and managing credit wisely.

Module 9: Product Importing

  • Objective: Efficient importation of products from suppliers.
  • Key Focus: Setting up shipping rates and understanding Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policies.

Module 10: Advertising

  • Objective: Mastering Google advertising for your products.
  • Key Focus: Understanding key performance indicators, setting up Google shopping feeds, and launching Google Ads campaigns.

Module 11: Fulfilling Orders

  • Objective: Streamlining the order fulfillment process.
  • Key Focus: Collaborating with suppliers and using tools like Parcel Monkey for efficient order processing.

Module 12: B2B High Ticket Dropshipping (Sections 1-4)

  • Objective: Exploring the B2B high-ticket dropshipping market.
  • Key Focus: Understanding B2B purchasing behaviours, setting up bulk order forms, and strategies to increase B2B sales and find local customers.

Each module is designed to build upon the previous one, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive learning journey. From foundational concepts to advanced techniques, Nate Hurst – High Ticket Kingdom covers every aspect of high-ticket dropshipping, preparing you for success in this dynamic online business arena.